Monday, May 30, 2011

Pick of the Week - May 30, 2011

I went home during this fabulously long weekend to surprise my dad for his birthday.  My husband and I had a great time with my parents between hitting up the local dog friendly tiki bar and playing a round of golf (note: I didn't say an amazing round of golf...I'm not very good). When we finished golfing my mom realized we didn't have time to bake my father a cake before more family arrived.  Secretly this was perfectly fine with me since I'm not a huge fan of cake anyways.  I'm not really a fan of sweets in general unless it's chocolate.  However, I LOVE ice cream!  Especially once summer rolls around.

Originally my husband and I wanted to have an ice cream cake at our reception but the reception venue assistant had said she'd never had a wedding with an ice cream cake.  We immediately rethought the idea fearing it could be a potentially hazardous mess.  So, we purchased a traditional wedding cake instead.  Later, I found this idea of an ice cream sundae bar and kicked myself for not finding it sooner. Pick your favorite flavors, toppings, and dishes and let your guests design their own dessert!  Talk about dream desserts by design!  Check out the pictures below and let your imagination go wild. 

Happy Planning,


Monday, May 23, 2011

Pick of the Week - May 23, 2011

While perusing on Pinterest I've seen so many great ideas!  I'm really drawn to wedding ideas that are not only creative, able to be personalized, and practical, but can be done on a budget as well.  Below are a few examples of  a thumbprint guest book.  Unlike many guests books, this one you can proudly display in your home after the wedding.  I only wish I had seen this version of a guest book when I was getting married!    A thumbprint guest books allow you to choose your picture and what information you would like displayed (and in what format).  Your guests press their finger into a washable stamp pad (most likely in your wedding colors) and place their own unique fingerprint on the picture (make sure you keep some wet wipes near by!).  They then write their name near it.   This creates a great piece of art for your home that is also memento from your big day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Awkward Wedding Photos!

Having a long day?  Need to cheer up?  Love a good old fashioned awkward wedding photos?  I know I do!  I just couldn't get enough of them!  Here's a few of my favorite but make sure to check out the website for more!  Happy planning!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pick of the Week - May 16th, 2011

I find myself online and on the computer all the time.  I'm either looking up new information, completing classes, or just playing around.  This past week I bumped into a website that I would soon find myself addicted to.

Pinterest is a website that allows you to create virtual pinboards (corkboards if you will).  You can easily set up individual boards based on your own themes.  For example, I have 18 different boards, some for work while others are for fun or my own personal liking.  You can also follow people you think have great pins so you can keep up to date with the styles you love.  I love it because it's such a great way to connect everything you love in one place and keep it organized at the same time. If you're looking for ideas it's certainly the place to go for whatever event you're planning.  Once you sign up just search by name to find your friends that are also on the site.

Now, if you'll excuse me...I have more pinning to do.  Happy Planning!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bridesmaid (the movie) is out today!

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely not a "girly" movie kinda girl.  I have a few cult classics, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, etc. but girly movies just aren't my thing.  BUT, I will be going to see Bridesmaid!  It's in theaters as of today!  I can't wait!  Check out the trailer...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pick of the Week - May 9th, 2011

Depending on where you're at in your wedding planning, things may be starting to pile up quickly.  Sometimes it's really easy to overlook items that you would've never thought about -like what photos you'd really like to have in your wedding collection.  I caught a glimpse of this great photo hunt idea that will help to capture some of the most precious moments at your special event.  

Creating a photo hunt is a great, easy to do,  DIY project.  Start by creating a list of fun shots you really want such as "cutest older couple", "something sparkly", "an artistic picture of your meal", or "holding hands".  Add them to an I Spy photo list for your guests.  You could even add the list to the back of your table numbers to keep the table decor and cost contained.  Then ask your guests to use their cameras or supply each dinner table with a disposable camera to capture each of these moments.  It's a great way to let your guests young and old have some fun while making sure you get some great shots you really want!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pick of the Week - May 2, 2011

Having a baby?  Want to know what the gender of your baby is going to be?  Want to make it a surprise for not only yourself, but friends and family too?  Have a gender reveal cake at your next baby shower!

18 years ago today my nephew, David, was born. (Happy birthday, David Cody!)  I remember all the anticipation building up while we waited to find out the gender of my sister's little bundle of joy.

So how does this work?  Once you attend that all important appointment where the doctor can finally and decisively tell you the gender of your baby....don't let them tell you!  Instead, have the doctor write down the gender of the baby, place it in an envelope, and seal it up tight!  Take the envelope to your favorite baker and ask them to create the inside of the cake to correspond with the gender of your baby, that is blue for a boy or pink for a girl.  The outside of the cake should be gender neutral.  

When the timing is right and you're surrounded by people you love,  you can cut into the cake and reveal the good news!  Below are some different ways that people have decorated their reveal cake.  Happy planning!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

So Excited!!

Couldn't be more excited! I am officially signing up for a free pole dancing class at Impulse Pole Dance & Exotic Fitness: Classes & Pole Parties on May 14th!!! Even bought a cute pair of shorts to get my pole dance on! :) 
Looking for some fun loving friends to join me! Any takers?!